Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Word SORRY...

Sorry Won't fix anything
Sorry Will only cover up cuts and busies
Can't say sorry Cause it won't help any
Sorry Will hurt you more
Sorry Accidental or intentionally
Sorry Will make you cry even more
Sorry Will make you think about the hurt
You don't want to feel anymore
Sorry I made a mistake
Sorry cause I can't fix it
sorry cause I make you cry
sorry cause I hurt you
I'm sorry But sorry don't help me any
Is something I don't want to say
Not because I did what I did to hurt you
But because sorry won't take anything back or away


The Spiral Eyes said...

do you mind to become one of my follower and i will be yours too?

NanoHa said...

Sure..of course..dun mind at all..just type in will add urs!

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